Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Reality of Plastic

Once you have watched the video above, read this article:
Plastic: The Popular Pollutant
Then watch this next video and see what new information you can get.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Engineering Challenge -- What Makes an Object Float?

Read about the concept of buoyancy.  We will be applying this concept in our engineering task this week.  We will be creating boats out of aluminum foil and seeing how many pennies they can hold.
Read more about buoyancy basics here.
How do boats float?  Wonderopolis
The buoyant force of water. (bonus activity idea)
Here is your task:  Float My Boat.  We will use this chart to record our designs.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Adding & Subtracting Decimals Song | 4th & 5th Grade

Adding multi digit numbers with place value -- 4th Grade

Latitude and Longitude Webquest

Watch the introductory video above.  When you have finished, start your webquest by using this link.  Please take your time on this webquest.  It is not a race.  Make sure that you use each link and read all of the information on the link to learn the concepts.  You are not allowed to Google the answers.  Make sure that you record your answers on the worksheet I gave you in class.

If you finish early, listen to the song at this link.

If you finish early, another Dr. Nagler video can be found here.  How is this concept related to latitude and longitude?