Sunday, October 25, 2020

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Indigenous People's Day

Many people now celebrate Indigenous People's Day instead of Columbus Day.  Can you figure out why?

  1. NewsELA -- Most Schools Don't Give Students the Whole Truth about American History
  2. Columbus Day or Indigenous People's Day? You Decide!
  3. Columbus Day or Indigenous People's Day? The Debate Rages On.
  4. Read a short summary of Columbus Day, so that you know what it was.
  5. NewsELA -- We Learn about Columbus, but not the Taino People.
What reasons do people have for celebrating Indigenous People's Day instead of Columbus Day?  Do you agree with these reasons?

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Make a Model of a Human Hand

The Mystery Science lesson for this week is based on the way that muscles and bones work together in the human body and specifically in the hand.  They have a model of a human finger that you can make using the Mystery Science instructions.  However, if you can't make that model, or you'd like to try a different one, then check out these other options.

  1. Simple model hand from Science Kids
  2. A simple Robotic Hand 
  3. Explore More Robot Hand
  4. Sci Tech Labs paper hand model
  5. Make an articulated hand
  6. Flex and Extend: Modeling a Human Hand
Choose the option that works best for you.  You DO NOT need to go and buy any special supplies.  Think creatively.  Try to use items that you have around the house.
  • What can you use instead of the supplies they suggest?
  • You can cut up a cereal box to get cardboard.
  • Use a paper clip or tape instead of beads.
  • What can you substitute for string?
  • Can you use rolled up paper and tape instead of a straw?
  • What can you substitute for other materials?  Think creatively.