Friday, July 18, 2014

Keep Reading This Summer

Keep reading good books this summer.  A recommendation that I forgot to mention in an earlier post is The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien.  I am aware that many of you are thinking "But I've already seen the movie."  To which I would answer, REALLY?  Do you really think you can appreciate a good story by seeing the movie and not reading the book?  I hope not.

Here are more book lists for you to find ideas for summer reading:
50 books every child should read
100 books every child should read
Must read books for ages 8-11

Don't forget to track your status on the Summer Reading Challenge list.  Send me a comment when you finish a good book.  It's never too late.


  1. I basically finished all of the books that are currently in the Heroes of Olympus. (The Lost Hero, The Son of Neptune, The Mark of Athena, and The House of Hades.)

    1. I'll give you credit for four more, but what do you mean by basically?

  2. Hi Mr.Prola I just finished my first three books.They're all Boxcar Children books. I somebody could read the books and enjoy them as much as I did.Still have to read the rest of them!

  3. I finished two books which are The Diamond Castle and And the Never Girls in a Blink. -Alyana

  4. I finished my twelfth book called I Hate Rules. -Alyana

  5. I finished reading my 13th book today called The Space Between. -Alyana

  6. I finished my 15th book The Black Stallion's sulky colt. -Penny
