Friday, December 18, 2015

Book Project -- Winter Break 2015

This winter break you have four options for book projects.  Please make sure that you complete this project over the break and submit it during the first week back from the break.  All books need to be approved by me before you do your project.

Happy Reading!


  1. Tiffany is very curious :)December 9, 2015 at 3:40 PM

    Wait... we're allowed to use graphic novels for this project? Also, we have to use our own paper for this project right?? Or do you provide us the supplies or tools we need? ( Though, I really doubt you will provide them ;))

  2. Tiffany is still very CuriousDecember 11, 2015 at 7:07 PM

    Mr. Prola, by review paragraph, do mean like a summary paragraph? And for the timeline project, do we put the timeline in the slideshow or do we just have different slides that shows the important parts in the book?

    1. The extra credit review paragraph of the book means that you should share what you think about the book and why people should read it.

    2. For the timeline, if you choose to do it digitally, you would make each slide the next event in the book. See me on Monday if you have more questions.

  3. Did you say that this is due on Friday?
    Keira Nguyen

    1. This is due the week you get back from winter break. The last day to turn it in with be Jan. 8.

  4. If your doing a timeline, do you have to do it on a slideshow or poster? And what is the e.c?
    Keira Nguyen

    1. You get to choose. The E.C is listed at the bottom of the page after the four choices.

  5. If we do the timeline on google slides do we send it to you, or just print it ourselves?
    Taylor Calupad

  6. Mr. Prola, Kyra is having a very hard time understanding the book she chose. Is it possible to switch books? I was wondering if she could read Charlotte's Web by E.B. White instead. Thanks!
    Mrs. Young

  7. Tiffany loves the HolidaysDecember 26, 2015 at 11:06 AM

    Merry late Christmas Mr. Prola, to you, and your family, and to everyone else! :) ( well technically it's late Christmas..)

  8. Tiffany has a question, AGAINDecember 26, 2015 at 11:39 AM

    Is it ok if I put the main event is from so and so chapter to so and so chapter? it is because some main ideas stretches from one chapter to another.

    ~ Tiffany~
