Monday, January 8, 2018

Debate Topics -- Which side are you on?

Check out some of our debate topics for the week.  Read about them and form your own opinion.
1.  Are books better than television?
2.  Should junk food be banned in schools?
3.  Should it be legal to keep animals in cages or zoos?
4.  Is year round school a good idea?
5.  Should kids wear uniforms to school?
6.  Should skateboarding be banned in public places?
7.  Should the driving age be raised to 18?
8.  Should animals be used for scientific experiments?

Check out some debate topics that I posted for my students last year.  Look here and here.


  1. Finished all of my homework including the debate! -Amy

  2. I like TV but books are more entertaining and has a lot more details and you could learn a lot of stuff Ethan

  3. i kind of like like books better because you can learn lots about them and if you like fantasy stuff you can read a lot of those books and like them more.-Eric

  4. I am doing my debate homework right now;) -Ashritha

  5. I said animals should be in the wild not in zoo's. Did my 3 facts on why too.

  6. Mr. Prola , will we ever get the student council paper because I know that Mr. Montez's kids already did? -Alexandra

  7. How soon and please don't say very soon.-Alex
