Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Introducing the 2015 Summer Reading Challenge!

Are you sad about the school year being over?  Do you pine away in front of the TV or computer screen wishing that you had something to read?  Perhaps you yearn for adventure and inspiration.

If so, THE SUMMER READING CHALLENGE OF 2015 is for you!!! (Perhaps you just enjoy a good book.  If so, it's still for you!)

How does it work?  The challenge is to read at least 5 good chapter books before the summer is over.  A champion reader would read at least 10 good chapter books.  An elite reader would read at least 15 good chapter books.

Every time you finish a book, leave me a note in the comment section of this blog with your name and the title and author of the book you read.  Then I can update your status.  You can follow your progress and your friends progress on the Summer Reading Challenge Status Page.

Not sure what to read?  Check out these reading lists.
5th grade list: Education World
5th grade list: Good Reads
Don't forget about the San Jose Public Library this summer.

Friday, June 5, 2015

A man, a plan, a canal, Panama! -- Palindromes

In the story Holes, the main character's name is a palindrome.  A palindrome is a word or series of words that are spelled the same backwards and forwards. Stanley Yelnats likes this particular fact about his name.

Please look up the definition of palindrome.
Use these websites to help you understand palindromes:
What is aibohphobia? (Answer this in the comments.)

(You get to ignore punctuation in palindromic phrases when you are trying to spell them backwards.  I can't believe I just told you that!)