Thursday, May 26, 2016

Bill of Rights

Once you have watched the video above, read the actual language in the Bill of Rights. (Please read this whole article carefully.)

Scholastic News -- Bill of Rights
History for Kids -- Bill of Rights

Once you have completed all of the reading, please write a paragraph on Kidblog explaining which right is the most important right, in your opinion.


  1. I watched the video.

  2. Do we have to do the back of our article writing? What if your story doesn't go that long to the back, do we still have to use it or is it another section where we right extra thing about the story?

    1. You write another part about your story back there. Or, if your first story is long enough, you can continue it on the back.

    2. Wait, but do we have to do the Map part?? What if our story doesn't contain that??

    3. Be creative and figure out what other type of a visual could work there.
