Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Summer Reading Challenge 2024

 TeacherP wants YOU to join the Summer Reading Challenge!

Your Mission:

Mission Parameters:

  1. Sign up by sending me an email or leaving a comment on this page.
  2. Read a good chapter book.
  3. Let me know the name of the book and the author.
  4. Repeat.
  5. The challenge starts on June 5 and ends when school starts in August.
Mission Success:
  • 5 books = participant
  • 10 books = champion
  • 15+ books = elite
Happy Reading!


  1. Hey Mr.Prola, I am interested to join the summer reading challenge-Colin Nguyen

  2. Hi Mr. Prola!

    I would like to join the "Summer Reading Challenge 2024".

    Thank you!

    Dominique C.

    1. Hi Mr. Prola I read “I survived Hurricane Katrina 2005” my other post I forgot to write my name so I’m making another one-Colin N

    2. Hey Mr. Prola!

      I have read “The Homework Machine” By Dan Gutman

      Colin N.
