Friday, November 22, 2013

Extra Credit -- Language Arts

If you want extra credit in language arts over the break, then you should read this post.  I encourage anyone who wants the extra credit to create an account at  You will need the code that I gave you in class.  Create an account with a username that is your first name and last initial.  Use a password that you won't forget.

Once you have that account, go to and post a paragraph with a book recommendation.  Why should other students read this book?  To make it more interesting, you can include a picture (use Google images).  This should be a book that you just finished or that you are currently reading and enjoying.

Have a great holiday and don't forget to DO YOUR SOCIAL STUDIES PROJECT!!!


  1. I am going to do it.- Alexandra

    1. Glad to hear it. Enjoy your time off.

    2. I am doing it,but it's not allowing me to write my name and my initials.-soli

    3. When you sign in using the code that I gave you in class, it will ask you to create a username and password. Your username should be your first name and last initial. Your password can be anything.

  2. so,where do you put the post? this is my last question and comment

    1. Once you have successfully logged in at you click on "New Post" in the top right corner. You can then enter a title and a post. The post won't be successfully submitted until I approve it.
