Friday, April 3, 2015

Math Homework -- Fractional Recipe Assignment

Your math homework over the break is to find a recipe with at least 3 fractions in it and post it on Kidblog.  You then need to triple the recipe and you need to cut the recipe in half.  I have posted an example for you to see under my daughter's account.  Please make sure you type in the list of ingredients neatly.  I recommend using bullet points or numbers.

Don't forget to include the instructions and the amount that the recipe makes.  As extra credit, you can post a picture of yourself making the recipe or with the finished product.  (Actual cooking is not required for this assignment, unless you want extra credit.)  Be creative.  This is a fun way to share a favorite family recipe.

Front Row Bonus:  Those of you who work on Front Row Ed for at least 4 days over the break can claim a Front Row Bonus from me when you get back.