Thursday, July 11, 2013

Get Active This Summer!!!

Are you spending too much time watching TV and playing video games this summer?  I would like to encourage you to get outside and do something active.  Take a hike or a bike ride.  It is important to get enough exercise.

Take advantage of our local parks.
1.  Check out the bike trails in Santa Clara County parks.
2. Try some of the hiking that is available in our county parks.
3.  Here is a list of parks in the county.
4.  Don't forget about our city parks.

If you are wondering, my favorite county park is Hellyer, which is not far from our school.  I enjoy taking my kids there for picnics, nature walks, and bike rides.  (Of course, my 4 year old never lets us leave without visiting the play structure.)  If you have a favorite outdoor area nearby, please mention it in the comments.


  1. I like the bike trail near our school. Its a nice place. :)

  2. Also, would you please post something about volunteer opportunities if you can find any? Thanks!

  3. Mr. Prola, I am very, very, very, VERY sorry to tell you this, but I have located one of your small protractors, and one more of your little books. I borrowed too many things I seemed to have lost track of everything.... -.-' Whoops. I will return them first day of school, I guarantee that. I still have not found your, good blue ruler, but due to the fact I have replaced it already, I probably don't need to worry about that. Bye!

    1. Don't worry. Just put them with your school supplies and return them when you have a chance. Enjoy your summer.

  4. Hi Mr.Prola i found the website!!!
    Today was really really hot!!!

    Athena Le

  5. Hi Mr.Prola i had a great day with you!!!
    I found your website!!!

  6. Hi Mr prola,
    found the website
    along with your other websites.


    Taylor Le

  7. Mr.Prola did you know Taylor and i are twins???
    Oh and also i have a new sister that is only 8 months!!!

  8. Hi Mr. Prola
    Found the website along with the others
    Thanks ,


  9. Mr.Prola did you know that
    Taylor and i are twins???
    Oh and also did you know
    that i have a baby sister
    that is only 8 months???

    Athena Le

  10. Hi Mr.Prola did you know that my twin sister is
    Taylor??? Also did you know that i have a baby
    sister,that is only 8 months,and can flip, crawl,
    stand, and almost walk!!!How cool is that!!!

    Athena Le

    1. Now I know. Why did you comment on this old post? Did you find the school supply list?
