Saturday, July 20, 2013

This Day in History

I've posted this website before, but I really like it.  You can literally learn something new everyday on This Day in History.

Factmonster created their own version of this idea.


  1. I don't really understand how the website works.. When I pressed on the link, it talked about Neil Armstrong being the first person to go on the moon.

    1. That's exactly how it works. Everyday you will get a different bit of history from this website. That's why I like it.

  2. Hi!! Can you please post a list of school supplies we need? Thanks! :)
    P.S. Aimee, Venika, Rachel, and I had a great summer so far. We meet each A LOT. We mostly go biking and swimming together. :)

    1. I have contacted one of the sixth grade teachers to see if she has a supply list available that she can email to me. If she does, I will post it.

    2. Dude I only saw Rachel twice. Don't forget water later. Also, Mr. Prola, I just finished The Bridge to Terebithia. It was sad but really good, like you and Eryn said. And if you're allowed to request students, please request Allison Lieu. (If you're asking why, she's my cousin.)

    3. I'm glad you read it. We don't really get to request students.

    4. I'm sorry Aimee, but I apparent ly saw her yesterday. ;) ... But still we have a lot fun. And Aimee, I'm smart enough to remember to bring water. And thanks Mr. P!
